Clinical Focus: Mastering BED And EQD2 With ClearCheck
ClearCheck has new tools to provide key BED and EQD2 data. Here are a few tips on how to best utilize these tools.
Read up on the new features coming soon to ClearCheck, ClearCalc, and AutoContour 2.0.
ClearCheck, ClearCalc, and AutoContour 2.0 will soon be available! These updates include amazing new features and modules to enable a more streamlined workflow than ever before.
Users will be able to set threshold pass/fail tolerances for calculation point acceptability. Create unique dose tolerances for all your department’s treatment modalities (3D/IMRT/SRS-SBRT).
Tyler is a board-certified medical physicist with extensive clinical experience in radiation therapy. He is active in the medphys community including several AAPM committees, the AAPM Board of Directors, and as an ABR orals examiner. Tyler dabbles in real estate investing, loves preparing breakfast for his three kiddos, and enjoys playing adult coed soccer.
Related tags: Company & Product
ClearCheck has new tools to provide key BED and EQD2 data. Here are a few tips on how to best utilize these tools.
Game-changing updates from AutoContour and ClearCheck that elevate your contouring and plan evaluation.
Radformation’s ClearCheck software facilitates automated implementation of TG-275 report recommendations.
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