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Introducing RadMachine | Radformation

Written by James Kerns | May 3, 2022 4:00:00 PM

Introducing RadMachine

When it comes to making things more efficient or intuitive, we simply can’t help ourselves. Having spent years in the clinic, we know what parts of the workflow need attention, so we are designing tools to empower physicists to better serve the patients we treat. Now, we are proud to share the latest result of our tinkering: RadMachine. You may already be familiar with TG-142 software. It has become widespread in departments following the publication of the eponymous task group report. RadMachine tackles TG-142 and much more on a single, unified QA platform.

A QA Platform For The Entire Clinic

RadMachine is a full-featured quality assurance platform that allows for QA on more than just linacs. For small clinics and large departments alike, RadMachine is as simple or comprehensive as it needs to be to conform to your unique needs. Everything in your department, including CT simulators, afterloaders, diagnostic imaging and treatment devices, can be integrated into RadMachine. Even ancillary equipment such as chambers, electrometers, array devices, and survey meters can be tracked with ease. RadMachine works with all types of equipment, but it’s also vendor-agnostic and compatible with virtually all commercial providers.

Image & Data Analysis

Perform routine image analysis such as picket fence, Winston-Lutz, VMAT, and more, all in line with your other QA. With everything hosted safely in the cloud, there are no separate servers to manage or set up, and all your data is available when you need it, where you need it.

RadMachine comes complete with phantom positioning jigs that allow you to set up multiple imaging phantoms at once—using whatever you have available from most major vendors—for more efficient image testing.
While essential, full-featured functionality comes standard, no two departments are alike, so we’ve included configuration options to optimize the QA process to your unique needs. In addition to stock image analysis tools, RadMachine also allows for custom mathematical calculations on output data. But that’s just scratching the surface. Users can embed entire scripts into their test calculations using Python snippets for complete control of their data.


We like to think of RadMachine as the Lego® of QA software. Start simple if you want, or build-to-suit using test logic types including boolean, numeric, string, multiple-choice, file upload, and calculation. Tests can be combined to create the QA lists needed for any setup. Frequencies can be established for any time interval required. Review of task status, category, and more are all entirely customizable for users.

Keeping track of important dates and reminders for all types of equipment has never been easier. Add reference documents to machines, such as commissioning documents or ADCL calibrations, and schedule routine calibration for equipment such as ion chambers and GM meters. In addition, create detailed descriptions for QA lists or individual tests to include setup information or links to internal documents like policies and procedures.



Trending in RadMachine is flexible and helpful in showing data trends over time, providing as much or as little information as required. When performing QA, previous measurements are shown inline to give context to the most recently acquired results. Any test can be plotted for trending alongside references and tolerances for any given test. Additionally, any number of tests can be plotted simultaneously, regardless of machine, frequency, or data type.


Reporting shouldn’t be an afterthought. RadMachine provides the quality and detail necessary to convey relevant and essential data analysis information to all stakeholders. Reports can be generated ad hoc for several metrics, including upcoming QA, details of specific QA lists, summaries of QA performed on units, service events logged, and more.


These reports can be saved as a hard copy and saved for execution at any time in the future. Reports can also be set up to be emailed on a recurring basis to any group, individual or third party. Additionally, notifications can be set up to send email alerts on QA completion, failure, service event logged, and similar events.

Service & Faults

Don’t forget about service and maintenance! In RadMachine, service events—from linac repair to preventative maintenance—can be scheduled or recorded. As a complement to regular service records, supply and inventory tracking allows service personnel to manage repair items used in service events. For any service requiring subsequent quality assurance testing before release, QA tests can also be attached to service events to ensure completion before the closure of any given ticket. Faults or interlocks can be recorded in RadMachine along with error codes to track occurrences.


As you can see, RadMachine is more than just TG-142 software. With support for treatment machines, imaging devices, and ancillary equipment, it truly brings everything together on a simple, user-friendly platform. Whether you keep it simple with out-of-the-box functionality or prefer to customize, RadMachine is the right tool to upgrade your QA regimen.